About Us
The community of TYCPOOL
Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between a short-lived trend and real innovation? Key points certainly are Information about the newest developments in technology, Connection to the NGO and people who are creating these technologies and making them ready for the mass-market, and a Community that is using and improving the finished product through interaction and feedback. This is exactly what Tycpool. offers to every single member of the Tycpool community.
TYCPOOL is a community which provides a platform where one person can send help to another person. And join hands to make a co-operative society. TYCPOOL provides a facility to raise funds for needy people in India. TYCPOOL works under a regisered trust, donation made at TYCPOOL is exempted in Income Tax.

Crowd-funding can be a quick and easy way to meet unanticipated, pressing needs. Today, anyone with a smartphone can participate in making a difference with great ease. More and more people are now raising funds online to tackle emergencies more efficiently. Increasing digital access and the convenience of online payments are driving more and more Indians to take the digital route to mobilize greater support for urgent needs on time.